The Rigging That Failed

I just finished researching a new column about the Time Magazine article in which the existence of a powerful cabal of elites rigging the 2020 election to 'save' it from Donald Trump was confirmed. 

One thing really stood out from reading all these news media articles about the Time Magazine scoop, articles from across the political spectrum. 

Nobody points out one thing: 

Despite spending more than a year carefully rigging everything they could think of to ensure Biden won, the cabal was watching in abject horror on election night as Trump was cruising to a comfortable victory ANYWAY. 

This forced the cabal to take actions they really didn't think they'd have to take. We all know what happened next. The vote counting stopped in multiple states, and then over the next several days they worked furiously to manufacture a Biden victory after-the-fact.  

The **real** story is that these political elites were caught flat footed on election night when all their fun election-rigging activities failed them and they were staring a Trump victory in the face.  So they were forced to LEAP INTO THE OPEN and steal the election in broad daylight.

Trump made them do that. 

And in the end, it will destroy them.  


  1. I can’t wait for the fall of the cabal. It’s going to be glorious!

  2. I would prefer if "caught" is followed up with "P U N I S H E D".

  3. Addendum: P U N I S H E D S W I F T L Y E N M A S S

  4. It would be wonderful if we could see them answer for their crimes in the broad daylight.

    I am waiting...impatiently.

  5. Its going to be like watching a tapestry unravel. The process is slow and tedious. It starts off with one stitch at a time.

    I talk about Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods. Throughout history of storytelling there is always a sort of trickster god. I imagine POTUS T has some similarities to the ancient trickster's characters. I believe he could carry it off and that will be a sight to watch.

    In the story line of American Gods, there is the lead up to a war between the old mythological gods and the new gods. The new gods are trying to wipe out the memories from the worshipers of the old gods. For you see these gods get their power by making others believe in them.

    I have watched for 30 years the Christian God being slowly eroded out of the American's hearts and minds. Some of it started with the BS of "non-judgemental." You see Abraham's God is judgemental and vengeful. There is a full generation in the world who do not believe in that God. Media has the power now to wipe your memory of rigged elections and expert agendas. They feel the power to censor a president. They believe they have the power to demand you worship whom they deem as appropriate.

    Tomorrow's DC folly will probably be over by the time I wake up so tonight I will say a prayer for the country and President Donald Trump.

  6. Thank you for the comments, they are much appreciated!

  7. I am really Praying hard to GOD that Trump will EXPOSE to the world the crimes of these evil cabal monsters and utterly DESTROY them after. I just have one valid question still lingering in my mind - "Is it possible for Trump to still be reinstated LAWFULLY (and Biden be lawfully removed) as per U.S. Constitution after all the election rigging had been proven to the senate and congress and to the rest of the world"? What is the purpose of the Trump's cyber warfare technology catching and documenting all these real-time scenarios happening during election plus the EO he signed 2018 indicating that election rigging with foreign actors involved is tantamount to national security issues if there is no tangible result in the end? I am not talking of any military take over, but only asking if there are any lawful means if America is truly following the law of the Constitution. What I am trying to get here was "is America gonna wait for the next 4 years for that clueless senile idiot to sit in the WH and simply get away with it"? Thanks.

  8. It's not either the Time stuff or the ChiCom hacking Lindell described. It's both. And the dems absolutely needed the 16 million votes flipped by the ChiCom hacking to get it done to blunt the Trump landslide. Cheers -

  9. I guess I'll just have to wait and see, as nobody seems to answer my questions above...

  10. You're voice is more powerful than you know. Glad we found you again.


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